Monday, 26 January 2009

Is Monday really Necessary?

Meteo/Geographical Information:
Location: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
Detailed map of the day: Home (Born) - Office (Eixample).
Sky: Fiction Blue throughout the day.
Temperature: currently 8°C (feels like: 3°C).
Lowest - expected - point of the day: 7°C (which I believe will feel like 1°C).

Some words on the need to have Mondays.

My horoscope (Jeff Prince) said I am currently affected by a tough case of Mondayitis. Sounds about right. I do feel it. I was so comfortable in bed. My cat was sleeping next to me, his face on the pillow. And I was actually having a nice dream going on. Don't remember the topic but definitely not related to Mondays.

My question is: Do we really need to work 5 days a week? Wouldn't I produce more if I knew I have only 4 days to activate myself?

Pointless to complain as it looks like I do have to work on Mondays, trying to survive the virus that spreads around my organism on this unlucky day.

Tonight I am joining the opening of a 3-day event on Women and Afghanistan. At least a couple of hours will be well spent.

...I will work on the "what do you want from life" issue for the rest of the day.

Tiny - provisional - list of A+ facts:
- I had a nice breakfast: coffee, yogurt and banana (+ 2 glasses of water);
- I don't think I cursed at anyone, yet;
- My communication skills led me to send a nice email to my boss (doing my best to help out);
- I finished a task (a report) that I usually postpone forever perfectly on time;
- My flatmate and close friend Corey sent me an email thanking me for the nice weekend: proving I did spread good vibes around.

More A+ notes at the end of the day, hopefully. Now I have to go back to the Giant Question.

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