Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Health First - Reality Check

I think a solemn decision has been made.
Time to change a few things in my life, starting with my diet.
It seems like my organism is asking for new lymph... Ok, I answered.
Should admit though that I had a sound instant of panic.
Today I did not feel good. Shaking health, reality check.
I need to modify several habits... Am I ready?
...I don't really feel like talking about it nor about anything else.

List - short - of A+ Facts:
- Decision made. I can do it. Improving my lifestyle, starting NOW.
- I drank 2 full cups of mixed herbs infusion for nervous stomach (is my stomach nervous, or is it me...?).
- I worked. A lot has been done today. So, I am nervous because I work too much, ah?!
- I bought a bunch of lavander to sleep better. Placed it in a vase next to my bed.
- Tomorrow is Wednesday, which all in all is not too bad.
- Let's not say it loud but maybe Friday we have a plan, a fun one...

Need more A+ Facts. They will definitely follow once I make the change happen.
This is going to be an important year, I can feel it.

...Almost forgot another A+ Fact: I saw the cute beach bar guy in the street. He hugged me.

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