Sunday, 22 February 2009

Women I Trust

Bright, Sunny, Warm, Refreshing and Recharging Sunday... Thank you Barcelona for the 20°C miracle! The beach today was absolutely stunning, just like a well-composed painting. Every single bit of it seemed to perfectly balance together in a melting pot of rays of sun, juicy food, breathtaking weather conditions, kids playing with sand and hip yet corky people, fun to watch.

I am completely relaxed.

Not too relaxed if I think that tomorrow is actually Monday again but all in all I don't feel like complaining. Why bother? I am not going to be able to change the course of the calendar anyway. Or maybe... Practicing a bit more... Should give it a try!

Well, to close with velvet red curtains this soon-to-be-finished weekend, I am sharing the first series of the Women I Trust collection. Their music is the cherry on the cake of the weekend.

This is just so witty and energizing, it makes me want to start jumping on my bed. Not a good idea though, considering its not-too-fashiony shape. And the video is so unrealistically hilarious... They all manage to look so serious and in-the-part while I am simply cracking up (Camera Obscura, Lloyd, I'm ready to be heartbroken).

Ok, she is the pioneer of this genre. Absolutely fantastic in this surreal dance with an even more surreal male partner. Thank you Feist (One Evening)!

Unfortunately no official video for Regina Spektor's Hotel Song. But please do watch this because the whole song is played a cappella and I find it extremely tingly and ticklish.

Off to watch The Reader, let's see if someone really deserves an Academy Award here!

Oh, today I created one of my new and I believe soon-to-be-famous quotes...

"Life is like Bowling. Mind the Balls, Visualize the Balls." Arianna Neri, mad-hatter and wannabe writer. 1981 - Present


  1. Camera obscura!!!! credevo di conoscere solo io quel video...grz mi sento meno solo

  2. ahahahah! bellissimo... davvero un grandissimo contributo alla musica!

  3. se ti piace quel video ti consiglio questo:

    si chiamano scandinava di tutte donne

  4. appena ascoltata, già fanatica!
